Wandering Whites RV

Got my hard drive back

A little while after we got home from our cross country trip I spilled coffee on my laptop.  It died before the coffee stopped following out of the cup.  Dying with it was all our trip photos and blog info.  Made some calls and was given some pretty scary prices about recovering or repairing parts or all of the laptop.  I would have rather retraced the trip.  I bought a new laptop and then realized I lost my cell phone when the Windows 10 reactivation code was sent to it.  Sobering up somewhat and I was told to take out the old hard drive, connect it to a $15 cable, and turn it into an External hard drive, Who knew?, other than the guy who told me.

What’s this got to do with anything?  We are able to complete our trip blog while re-learning how to work with WordPress again.

One thought on “Got my hard drive back

  1. Terry Cox

    Glad to hear you got all your pics back Barry!! It was neat to follow you in your adventures! I’m in the home stretch with 3 months to go.

    Take care, Coxy

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